Wednesday 12 December 2012

The New "Man Of Steel" Trailer Has Arrived!

Now, the above screen-shots aren't all in the correct order. The ones where the Man Of Steel is in Iceland and is about to fly are all in order, even the ones when he does eventually fly are too. The others are kind of in order but only those ones and the scenes with him and Amy Adams's Lois Lane.
Well, what can I say about this new trailer.......................IT'S FUCKING AWWWWESOME!!! This trailer gives fans mega amounts of info on the new 2013 reboot. We finally see Henry Cavill in all his glory as the new Man Of Steel and flying. Previous teasers only showed us wide shots of a small CGI figure, whereas here we have close-ups of him flying around and boy is it amazing to see that both Cavill and director Zach Snyder have pulled it off brilliantly. By the looks of it, Superman will rise and fail in this film. It's like, he travels the world to see if it really needs a Superman and then Zod arrives, who is played by Michael Shannon and who is looking good even though we only get one shot of him, all hell breaks loose and the Last Son Of Krypton rises and dawns his nice new glamourised suit.
We see some touching moments of Clark and his mum, played by Diane Lane, both as a child and as an adult. There also seems like there's going to be a hell of a lot of action in this adaption of the long-running DC Comic book franchise. Snyder did promise lots of action, looks like he's kept to his promise.
All in this is such a powerful and moving trailer, much more powerful and moving than the last one. I actually had a tear in my eye when i saw Cavill slowly walk on the ice and fly up into the sky. It's such a magical shot. This truly shows fans that the Man Of Steel can and will be great again!!!
Here's the link to the new trailer over on YouTube:

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