Monday 3 December 2012

Wolverine Back For "Days Of Future Past"

While in an interview, promoting his new film adaption of hit musical, "Les Miserables", Hugh Jackman confirmed that he will indeed be returning to the role of Wolverine again for the 7th time in the "X-Men" franchise that's expanded throughout 14 years ("The Wolverine" in 2013 and "Days Of Future Past" in 2014).
Here's what Jackman said about returning to the role again after next years solo Wolverine film, 

"There is an X-Men: First Class sequel, which Bryan Singer is directing, as you know. Which I think is awesome. It started with Bryan Singer. I know the fans are super excited. I did a three-hour, three word cameo in the last one. It literally took me three hours. As long as it took me to audition for Les Miserables. I have been talking to Bryan Singer about doing something in this. There will be more claws in this. The three is getting a little dull. Four maybe? I like that."

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