Friday 28 December 2012

Test Footage For "Hong Kong Phooey" And "Marvin The Martian" Live-Action Films Released!

So test footage for a potential "Hong Kong Phooey" and "Marvin The Martian" live-action films has been released online by the films director, Alex Zamm. A Phooey film has been in works for years and Eddie Murphy has signed on to provide his voice for Phooey. He plays Phooey in this test footage, which by the way, is pretty damn good looking for just a few minutes of test footage.
 I think the "Hong Kong Phooey" film could actually work alongside the likes of "The Smurfs" and "Yogi Bear", but it seems as though the project has been cancelled. This goes for the "Marvin The Martian" film too, which was set for a Christmas 2012 release date, but has now been cancelled also. 
Marvin's test footage is good also, but lacks that small thing that Phooey's test footage had. I think Phooey's film was going along the lines of "Shrek" humor, which is for both children and adults, whereas Marvin's looks like it was going to go along the lines of just plain "Smurfs" childish humor. 
Was going to upload the link to the video, but it's been taken down by the studio. 

"Doctor Who" Stamps Coming In 2013!

The BBC and the royal mail have announced that special "Doctor Who" stamps will go on sale next March to mark the shows BIG 50th anniversary. The above pics are what the final products will look like.
Well I know I'll be buying them all because they will truly be worth a bit of money in the next few years or so. I wonder why there was never special James Bond ones made?!

Thursday 20 December 2012

The New TARDIS Interior Revealed!

So finally fans get to see more of the TARDIS interior, mainly the TARDIS console. To be honest, I'm not really liking the new interior. When we first got a wee teaser of the sealing, it was cool because it showed Time Lord alphabet and that was awesome, but now I see this and I have mixed feelings. Maybe I have to see more of it or even just see it in action first before I give my final verdict on what I think.

Loki Not Back For "Avengers 2" In 2015?

In a recent interview, Tom Hiddleston, who plays the villainess Loki in both "THOR" and "Avengers Assemble", has stated that he may not be returning to play the villain in the "Avengers" sequel in 2015. Hiddleston will though, be returning as Loki in "THOR: The Dark World" next year. 

"I don't know, and that really is the honest answer. I know I've been known for obfuscation in other quarters, but I have no idea. I haven't spoken to Joss. He's definitely doing it. So I suspect not, only because I think that probably the audiences are tired of Loki being the bad guy. Maybe the Avengers need somebody else to fight. But I'd love to be part of it again."

Could next year be the final time fans will see Loki? I hope not because he is the best villain on the big screen right now. Maybe he'll disappear and come back more powerful in future Marvel Cinematic Universe films. 

Wolverine Will Strike Again In "Days Of Future Past"

Hugh Jackman has officially been signed on by Fox and Bryan Singer to return as shinny claws mutant, Wolverine in the 2014 "First Class" sequel. It's yet unknown how big or small his part will be in "X-Men: Days Of Future Past", but I'm sure fans will find out soon enough.

More Updates On Status Of "Sherlock Holmes 3"

Earlier this week "Sherlock Holmes" producer Dan Lin, was asked about the status of the next "Holmes" sequel. He was asked when he thinks filming will begin, 

"It’s still in development. Drew Pearce is working on the script and Downey, as you know, is still finishing Iron Man 3 so we’re waiting for Downey to finish that movie and to get a script from Drew. It is a high priority for the studio and all for the filmmakers involved… We want to make the right movie. We got a great response to the second movie and frankly the Moriarty character sets such a high bar that we want to make sure we’re telling the right story for the third movie."

And then he was asked about the different locations that could feature in the threequel,

"I don’t want to go into details about [characters returning], I just want to say that there will be some new locations, new settings for the third movie. Just like Sherlock for the second movie took us in a new location; the third movie will take us to a new location as well."

New Image Of A Damaged Iron Man!

Explosive New "Star Trek Into Darkness" Is Here!

Finally fans are treated to a full length trailer for the upcoming 2013 highly-anticipated "Star Trek" sequel, "Into Darkness". There's a bit more footage than in the short teaser, but we still have no idea what's going on when it comes to the films plot. I guess we'll just have to wait until next year when the film comes out.
Check out the trailer here on YouTube:

Yet Another New "G.I. JOE: Retaliation" Poster!

Jackie Chan Set To Appear In Third "Expendables" Film!

In an interview earlier this week, Jackie Chan confirmed that "The Expendables 3" was very much in development and that he has been asked to appear in the all-star sequel by Sly Stallone. 

"Sly had invited me to be in "Expendables 2" but I was too busy filming "CZ12" and couldn't make a commitment to the film. But he did extend his invitation to the third movie, which I agreed on the condition that I will be appearing as more than just a minor role with a few scenes," 

Chan is finally going to be in a "Expendables" film. I've been waiting for him to be in one since they announced the cast choices for the first film. 

Cover Art For New "Star Trek" Game!

The cover art for next years "Star Trek 1.5" game has finally been released online. I'm saying it's 1.5 because it's set in between the 2009 reboot and it's 2013 sequel. The ending of this game is said to be set up for the start of "Into Darkness" in May 2013.
The cover itself looks really cool and stylish. I love the fact that Kirk and Spock have Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto's likeness's.