Tuesday 14 July 2015

SDCC 2015: New Action-Packed And EPIC Batman Vs Superman Trailer Is Officially Released!

So to kickstart myself blogging again on this blog, let's talk about fans being treated with a nearly 4 minute Batman Vs Superman - Dawn Of Justice trailer last weekend at the 2015 SDCC. It was action-packed with plenty of Batman going head to head with Superman in Snyder-esque fighting style. It's an absolutely fucking majestic trailer to watch. Superman is made out to be a sort of villain, Lex Luthor is trying to take over the show as per usual, Batman is having flashbacks and then we all of a sudden have Wonder Woman jumping in and joining in on the action.
I must admit that at first, I wasn't a massive fan of Gal Gadot's casting as the upcoming big screen DC Movie Universe Wonder Woman, but after seeing her in action in the latest trailer, fuck me, she's got it nailed by the looks of it.
Jesse Eisenberg looks like he'll be on top form and possibly steal the show with his newly revived version of classic Superman villain, Lex Luthor. He seems so secretly sinister as if he's waiting to release his true evil when the film officially opens next Summer. I can't wait to see his Luthor.
Ben Affleck is just perfect as the lastest Bruce Wayne/Batman. He just looks like he'll own this role, even more than Christian Bale ever did! And on the note of Bruce Wayne, we get awesome confirmation that Watchmen actor and close friend of director Zach Snyder, Jeffery Dean Morgan WILL indeed be playing Thomas Wayne, father of Bruce. It was speculated ages ago that he was playing the father of our Dark Knight as a painting of him was spotted on the set of the movie outside, what was and is now confirmed to have been Wayne Manor.
The only weird thing about this new trailer and well, persumebly the film, is that Superman has guards, that's right, guards. There are some sort of task force team shown throughout the trailer with the "S" symbol on their left shoulders. Does Superman need help in this film? He's Superman!!! My theory is that they're Superman fan boys who want to help the Man Of Steel in this movie, similar to the Batman wannabes that appeared in 2008's The Dark Knight.
After seeing this new trailer for Warner Bros, Batman Vs Superman - Dawn of Justice, I personally think it's 100% going to be THEE 2nd biggest movie event of 2016, just after Captain America III - Civil War. It's got everything you want, Zach Snyder type of over the top fighting and CGI, a good strong sounding story, great cast, dark themed, action-packed, just everything you expect from a film that's to lead up to the full on Justice League two-parter.
Anyways, enough talking, get this trailer watched and enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAcbTd8Nd70

One more piece of fantastic news is that Ben Affleck aka our new Batman was just confirmed the other day that he will DIRECT, CO-WRITE AND STAR in his very first Batman solo film, which is rumored to begin filming sometime next year or possibly the beginning of 2017 for a planned 2018 release date. This could end up being the first Batman film to receive an Oscar for Best Film because BatFleck is a great director. I honestly think this is a big challenge for him to take on but I have total faith in him. Can't wait to see this in 2018!!!

Where Has This Past Year Gone?

Guys, Gals, Nerds and Geeks, I am back after a long years absence on this blog. There's been hundreds of movie/tv that I should've posted and blogged about, but the truth was I got lazy and my laptop ain't that great anymore so I pretty much gave up but now I'm back in action ready to blog again!!! A lot's happened with movie and tv in this last year since I last blogged.
We've saw Josh Brolin's Thanos in full awesome form in last years Guardians Of The Galaxy, which was one fucking fantastic film, we've had Ben Affleck being cast as the next Batman, Jared Leto as the new Joker, Jurassic World was bloody brilliant, the grand return of Mad Max, Chris Pratt is everywhere, a FUCKING all-female Ghostbusters reboot announced, Amazing Spider-Man  sequels cancelled with Spidey back at Marvel and new boy cast as the web-crawler, that Netflix Daredevil series was kickass, Star Wars - The Force Awakens looks majestic, Peter Capaldi's 12th Doctor wasn't as dark as we all thought and so on and so fourth.
Back to blogging properly time and what a great time to start, just a few days after this years San Diego Comic Con and what an amazing Comic Con it was this year!!! Sadly, as usual, I wasn't able to attend as I live in Scotland and it would cost too much but some day I will go. Anyways, time to get this blogging started again and start with some EPIC movie/tv news from Comic Con!!!!