Thursday 12 July 2012

The Net Marketing For "ROBOCOP" Begins!

The studio behind the latest Hollywood reboot, "ROBOCOP" have set up a very realistic website for Omni Consumer Products (OCP), which now is under a new title in this new film. OCP is now being called Omni-Corp in the new "ROBOCOP" rebooted universe. It's a slicker, smarter title than just plain old OCP. gives fans a first look at the new ED-209 and this flying jet like ship pictured above. We also get a teaser look at the new RoboCop, but it's not great, it's just quick glimpses at the armor.
In a short video about Omni-Corps robotic technology, they refer to RoboCop as simply the the whole new hi-tech name for him. We're obviously not seeing him till later on in the marketing. The site is very well put together. It really looks like Omni-Corp is a real company.  

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