Thursday 26 July 2012

"Wolfman" Reboot Get's Official Title & DVD Release With Trailer Plus Images!

Universal's small direct-2-DVD reboot of the 1940's "The Wolfman" and the 2010 remake has finally been given an official title, release date and a first wee teaser trailer. I personally think that this is a pointless reboot now. I first I thought why not, let's see what they can do now. Then I found out it wasn't a full reboot of the 2010 well reboot/remake, but more of a remake of the lost film, "The Wolfman's Revenge" from 1947. It's more of a hunting film than a classic werewolf horror. It's pointless to make a horror franchise and reboot it into an action type werewolf thriller as it says in the trailer:
I for one was quite happy with the Benicio Del Toro remake/reboot. It was a true horror gore fest. Of course it was more extreme than the 40's classic, but it was a brilliant new version of the Universal classic. This is nothing like any of "The Wolfman" films, past or present. It's like "The Wolfman" is "Alien" and this is "Aliens", a sequel, but more action-packed than horror..........kind of like the "Underworld" franchise. It's try too hard to be a stand-alone werewolf "Underworld" based film. And the main guys trying to be the Van Helsing of the film. Not happening people.
Overall, it looks ok, but not great. It's more of a TV movie, like something on SyFy, shite but you want to watch it just so you can say that you've seen it now. Not a good sign though! I just hope Universal go back to the drawing board and make a true werewolf classic again like the old days or the 2010 remake/reboot.

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