Thursday 19 July 2012

My "Batman" Reboot Trilogy Cast (Film 1-The Caped Crusader)

Now I know I've already done a "my casting" on the planned "Batman" reboot, but I thought I'd give it a second shot and do another one. This time it's the cast for a trilogy. This the cast for the first film, "The Caped Crusader".
There are mega changes to this one with some new characters and actors added to it to. I'd say that the film shouldn't go back and show us the origins of Batman. It should be like Tim Burton's "Batman", just have him being batman already, rather than back to square one again. 
 Ryan Gosling As Bruce Wayne/Batman
I chose Ryan Gosling because I loved him in "Drive". In that he played a lonely shadowed out from the world type character and I think Bruce Wayne/Batman has always been like that too, so that's why I thought he'd be perfect. I cast Michael Fassbender as Batman in my first casting, but he's already Magneto and now he's signed on to play the Assassin in the "Assassin's Creed" live-action film, plus Gosling needs a superhero role.

Scarlett Johansson As Vicky Vale
Johansson is blonde, she's smart, she's sexy and I think that fanboys would be drooling over here again and again. I know she's Black Widow in "Avengers Assemble", but she could totally cross-over and play sexy photographer Vicky Vale in the first film to the planned "Batman" reboot trilogy. I'd have her in my reboot trilogy for sure!

Matthew Goode As Edward Nigma/The Riddler
At some point Warner Bros are going to have bring The Riddler back to the BIG-screens. Matthew Goode should be that certain actor to bring The Riddler into the 21st Century. He was so sneaky and bad when he played Ozymandias in Zach Snyder's "Watchmen".

Malcolm McDowell As Alfred
 I've always liked Malcolm McDowell and I think he deserves to finish his career starring in an EPIC franchise. And what more of an EPIC franchise to finish in than the "Batman" franchise.

Brian Cranston As Commissioner Jim Gordon
I can't think of any other actor other than Gary Oldman, who could play Commissioner Gordon to a pee than Brian Cranston. He's a fan favorite and he's also my favorite. Him and Gosling had great chemistry in "Drive". They could bring that to this much loved franchise too.

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