Tuesday, 14 August 2012

"Indiana Jones And The Long Retirement" Instead Of Another Film?

While talking about "The Bourne Legacy", producer Frank Marshall was asked about sequels to his 80's classic, "The Goonies", "E.T." and most of all.................an "Indiana Jones 5". This is what he said about the possibilities of an "Indy 5" happening anytime soon,

"I think, for me, [Crystal Skull is] the last hurrah. I know that, yes, we talk about it, but there’s no idea, there’s no MacGuffin."

So this is very bad news indeed for "Indy" fans, me being one of them. I liked the last film, "Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull". It was weird with the aliens, but it was the 50's, Roswell and alien stuff was happening there, so it made sense. I also liked that it left the franchise open for more films, but seeing as there's now no chance in hell really.................FUCK THE FOURTH FILM!!!! THE ENDING TO "THE LAST CRUSADE" WAS A PROPER ENDING TO THE FRANCHISE............NOW IT LOOKS STUPID!!!

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