Thursday, 9 August 2012

Holden McNeil To Direct "Justice League" Film?

So it looks like Warner are racing ahead to get a BIG-screen live-action "Justice League" film up and running again in time for it to go head-2-head with Marvel's "Avengers" sequel in around 2015ish. The minute Marvel announced that Joss Whedon was returning to direct "The Avengers 2", DC and Warner rushed in and announced that the long-awaited "Justice League" film was looking for a key director to get the superhero on the BIG-screens. The said that they are looking at Ben Affleck to take the rains of the big budget film.
Apparently now Affleck has gave Warner and big fat "NO!!!" to the project. Variety magazine confirmed this yesterday after the word broke out from Warner Bros. that this was in the planning. Affleck obviously just feels that he's not up for the challenge just yet, maybe some day though.
See what happens when a studio opens their big mouths and says something out loud without thinking about it first. Probably if they spoke to Affleck in a meeting instead of announcing it and him hearing it from someone else, then maybe he would have said "maybe"................silly Warner!
Warner haven't thought any of this through though. Yes they had the "Justice League" filming in development since like 2004/5, but nothing has ever really picked up. Marvel on the other hand have released film after film after film, leading up to the main event that was "Avengers Assemble" or "Marvel's The Avengers".
We had background stories from each character, they crossed-over to let each other be known to each other and get ready for the assemble. Warner and DC are just planning to dive right into a "Justice League" film with a new Batman, probably a new Green Lantern, a Wonder Woman, a Flash and well let's hope.......Henry Cavill and Zach Snyder's Superman, rather than some other guy who we know nothing about.
DC and Warner are planning to release all stand-alone character films after the "Justice League" film, which personally I think is kind of a big mistake! Let them be known to the fans first before throwing them into the deep end with new actors, Superman, Batman and Green Lantern and new looks. marvel worked hard and achieved so much, whereas DC could fail, but only time will tell.

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