Tuesday 22 January 2013

All Eleven Doctors Confirmed For "Doctor Who" 50th Anniversary!

After months of speculation as to if all 11 Doctors would be returning for this years BIG 50th special of "Doctor Who", Steven Moffat has finally gave fans an answer. This year all 11 actors who have played the iconic British sci-fi character will be joining forces to help take down a powerful evil in the 50th anniversary special, which is aiming to begin filming later in April and air in November.
9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, has mentioned loads of times that he wasn't wanting to come back as The Doctor, but now it seems as though he will be. Moffat has said that all of the living Doctors, Tom Baker, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Peter Davidson, Christopher Eccleston, Matt Smith, Paul McGann and the great David Tennant, will all come back and the BBC plan to resurrect the dead ones, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and John Pertwee via special effects. THIS EPISODE IS GOING TO BE ABSOLUTELY EPIC!!! I just can't wait to see Paul McGann's 8th Doctor return to the small screen. I hope he looks like this, which is his new look for the promo pics for his Doctors audio stories.


  1. and the companions?????

  2. well rose is coming back and of course the latest one, clara :-D but no news on any others sorry. but now some of the past doctors are saying that they know nothing about this grand return, soooooo......
